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- Air Wotanberg: Charter
and scheduled flights within, and to and from, the Grand Duchy
of Wotanberg.
- Bad Wolf und Wotanberg
Eisenbahngesellschaft (Wotanbergerbahn): a railroad company offering
tourist trains running which run through the fabled BlackForest
to one of Europe's best kept secrets, the Grand
Duchy of Wotanberg.
- Barataria Industries: Formerly in Alviso, California, U.S.A., now in Taratupa,
the Seiber Islands.
- Chocolaterie Cosmo:
Chocolate producer and distributer located in Valkenburg, the
- Donovan's Reef: Pub in Boragora, the Marivellas.
- Fawlty Towers: Small,
but full-service hotels in Torquay, England;
Bad Wolf, Germany; and Trevorstein,
Wotanberg .
- Gebr. McKenzie: Beer Merchants located in Brendanburg, Germany and
Valkenburg, the Netherlands.
- H-L Schnellverkehr: offering unique vacation
opportunities for the discerning traveller, specializing in European
railway adventures for nearly every taste and budget.
- Kornpett Industries:
Producer and distributor of quality dental equipment with its
headquarters in Trevorstein, Wotanberg, and production facilities
on St Hubert, the Seiber Islands.
- McHale & Co.: Charter fishing trips sailing from Taratupa, the
Seiber Islands.
- Rick's
Cafe Marocain: Four-star "gin
joint" in Trevorstein, Wotanberg.
- Seiber Airlines: Charter
and scheduled flights within, and to and from, the Seiber Islands,
based at Jake Cutter International Airport, St Hubert, the Seiber
- Seiber Space-4-Rent:
Secure, climate-controlled storage facilities for South Pacific
businesses, located on Taratupa, the Seiber Islands.
- Seiber Travel:
Travel agents specializing in vacations in the Seiber Islands,
with offices in Trevorstein, Wotanberg.
- Weingut Schultz: Vineyard and winery located
outside of Brendanberg, Germany.
- Winzergenossenshaft
Rothenberg (am Rhein) EG: Producer
of fine wines, Rothenberg am Rhein, Germany.
- Wong Airline:
Chartered Aircraft and Airline Management Services, based at
Amelia Earhart International Airport, Trevorstein, Wotanberg;
Jake Cutter Internationational Airport, St Hubert, the Seiber
Islands; and Mogambo International Airport, Mogambo, the Mustela
- Wotanberger Bank:
Full service bank with its headquarters in Trevorstein, Wotanberg,
and branches in Bad Wolf, Germany; Brendanburg, Germany; St Hubert,
the Seiber Islands; and Valkenburg,the Netherlands.
- Yoyodyne Propulsion
Systems: A leader in aerospace
research, where "The future begins tomorrow." World
headquarters located in Trevorstein, Wotanberg, with research
facilities in Grover's Mill, New Jersey, U.S.A and the Seiber
Islands. (Note: This firm is not related in any way to
Acme Vaporware, Inc.)
For additional information, contact