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is proud to present:
In 1987 H-L Schnellverkehr added
a second weekly excursion along the Rhine River, Die Deutsche
Weinstraße ("German Wine Road") which offers its
passengers the opportunity to sample the best wines in the world
while enjoying the scenery between Amsterdam and Basel. Special
features of this two-day journey are an overnight stay in St.
Goarshausen, located between the fabled Lorelei and Rothenberg,
and a chance to inspect "Der Rollende Weinkeller" ("Rolling
Wine Cellar"), the special rail car which carries all of
the wines served on Die Deutsche Weinstraße.
For a map showing all of the
routes travelled by H-L Schnellverkehr, click
For schedules and reservations,
contact your local travel agent or contact us.
As a proud
member of the Trans-Global
Enterprises ("TGE") family of companies, H-L Schnellverkehr
recommends that you visit its site.