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Barataria Industries

(a proud member of the of the Trans-Global Enterprises family)

Current Products
Burro 4x4 Trucks

"Behind the Scenes"

Any product is only as good as the people behind it, and behind our Burro are plenty of good people. Here are just a few of them:




As can be seen in this photo of the
Burro's production line and the next photo, Barataria is an equal opportunity employer.

Nearly 50% of our employees are women . . .




. . . and nearly 50% are men.
Here an almost equal number  of male employees test a possible replacement for the Company's aging fleet of employee buses.




Customer satisfaction is Job 1 at Barataria Industries! Just minutes before its delivery to its proud new owner, our Quality Control Team puts the finishing touches on a brand new Burro.


This Burro undergoing field testing to see if it could be used as a rocket launcher. We are pleased to report that the two employees in the Burro survived the test with only minor injuries. (By the way, Baratraia Industries has an excellent health care plan.)





Here is Chief Engineer Robin Baskins using a Burro to power a 25 gallon ice cream maker of his own design. Company picnics will never be the same.